HLO renders legal advice on infrastructural and industrial projects and deals with registrations under public authorities’ requirements. Over the years the Office has advised a considerable number of local and multinational companies establishing mega projects including the Arab Potash Co. (HLO participated in drafting and negotiation of the FIDIC tender documents of the Company pans and refinery projects and its civil and electro- mechanical works and projects sometimes worth hundreds of  millions of US Dollars each), the Jordan Dead Sea Industries Co. (a holding company which established two major companies for promoting Dead Sea minerals industries), the Jordan Investment & Southern Developments Co. (which pioneered the filters industry in Jordan), Royal BAM Group (which is currently executing a port in South of Jordan in Aqaba), Societe Viasphalte S.A., France (which executed road projects in the south of Jordan), Held & Francke, Germany (which executed the railway project in the south of Jordan), Siemens AG-Germany (which executed technical projects in the capital) and Haboob Chemicals Industries (which has a big chemical plant in Jordan) The Office also provided legal advice to the Jordan Magnesia Company Plc during the construction of its major plant for extraction of magnesium oxide and other minerals from the Dead Sea in the Jordan Valley worth over U$ 100 million.